Operatingelectrical machines and installations

2 min read

The electrical technician is competent to operate, set up, optimize, maneuver and control          local electrician in Fairfax, VA  installations and equipment under start-up, shutdown, normal regime conditions. This guarantees the supply of electrical energy in the required conditions.

Carry out the start-up, control and shutdown of electrical energy generation and / or transformation equipment and facilities:

In the professional activities of this subfunction, the operating logic of the system is identified by decoding the manuals, characterizing the limits and restrictions from the process and from the equipment and facilities, and the area of ​​responsibility is identified. The specifications and procedures for handling the equipment are surveyed and translated. The operating parameters and news are recorded, informing the interested areas.

Program automatic systems

The professional activities of this subfunction are carried out according to the programming of the system according to the operating parameters, adjusting and calibrating the sensors, to comply with them.

Assemble and install components, machines, equipment and electrical installations.

In this role and function, the technician performs the execution of electrical installations in buildings; Assembles and arranges devices and components according to project technical specifications and with the appropriate tooling to perform the electrical assembly and installation function competently. It places electrical equipment and machines in the places provided with controlled safety and environmental impact conditions, providing the necessary electrical power supplies.

Lay ducts and conductors of electrical installations.

In the tasks of this sub-function, information is transferred from the technical documentation to the electrical work, verifying its relevance and scope. Work techniques and methodologies, required quality and production criteria as well as safety and hygiene criteria, availability of resources and planning are integrated; for the execution in time and form of the works.

Install electrical circuits and distribution lines.

In the professional activities of this subfunction, the procedures for the execution of the installation of the lines and circuits are interpreted; fixing and interconnecting the components according to established procedures. Functional tests and trials are carried out. The activity is carried out on the basis of correct work techniques, in the fixed times; attending according to the powers that are handled, the safety regulations and electrical risk.

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